Advanced Microsoft Word

Frequently Asked Questions

I. Creating Outline

How Do I Create a Basic Outline?

  1. Click [Format] on the menu bar.
  2. Select [Bullets and Numbering]. The dialogue box labeled "Bullets and Numbering" will appear (see figure below).
  3. In the Bullets and Numbering dialogue box select the tab labeled "Outline Numbered".
  4. Select the structure for the outline from the six choices provided.
  5. Click [OK]

How Do I Create a Document Using the Outline Structure?

After selecting the outline structure, the cursor will be in the first level of the outlining structure. Usually this level is used for section headings. In this document, "I. Creating Outlines" is the first level of an outlining structure.

  1. To move down one level in the outline, hit [Tab] on the keyboard. In this document "A. How Do I Create a Basic Outline?" is one level down from "I. Creating Outlines".
  2. To move back up one level in the outlining structure, hold [Shift] and hit [Tab].

NOTE: Different sections can be on the same level. In this document, "B. How Do I Create a Document Using the Outline Structure?" and "A. How Do I Create a basic Outline?" are two different sections on the same level.

How Do I Customize My Outline Numbering?

If none of the existing outline styles is satisfactory, they may be modified to the user’s needs and tastes.

  1. Click [Format] on the menu bar.
  1. Select [Bullets and Numbering]. The "Bullets and Numbering" box will appear.
  2. In the Bullets and Numbering dialogue box select the tab labeled "Outline Numbered".
  3. Click the button labeled [Customize].
  4. Select the level that will be changed by clicking its number in the left-hand column labeled [Level].
  5. In the drop-down box labeled [Number Style] the user may choose the style for line numbers in the specified level (e.g. Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, letters, etc.).
  6. In the field labeled [Number Format] the user can select the trailing character for the numbers in the specified level (e.g. ".", ")", etc.).
  7. If the list must be started with an item number other than one or it’s equivalent symbol, the user can adjust this list to begin with the desired symbol by choosing it from the [Start With] drop down list.
  8. Select [OK] to exit and apply the changes.

How Do I Manipulate/Reorder Sections of an Outline?

  1. Click [View] on the menu bar.
  2. Select [Outline].
  3. Each section will be preceded by either a "+" or a "-"
  4. To change the order of sections, click on the sections leading character (the "+" or the "-") and drag it to the desired area.
  5. To delete a section completely, highlight that section’s heading and hit [Delete] on the keyboard.

How Do I Print My Outline?

  1. Click [View] on the toolbar, and select [Outline].
  2. Expand or collapse the levels as desired by selecting the level and using the "+" or "-" on the outline toolbar.

NOTE: Clicking a "+" expands a section, showing all contents, while the "-" collapses a section, leaving only the section heading visible.

  1. Click [File] on the toolbar and select [Print].

II. Creating Word Macros

What are Macros For?

Here are some typical uses for macros:

  • Speed up routine editing and formatting
  • Combine multiple commands
  • Make an option in a dialog box more accessible
  • Automate a complex series of tasks

How Do I Record a Macro?

  1. Plan the macro before recording. The computer will record every action performed.
  2. Click [Tools] on the menu bar and select [Macro]
  3. Select [Record New Macro].
  4. Name the macro using the [Macro Name] field in the [Record Macro] dialogue box.
  5. Click [OK] and the macro toolbar will appear on the screen.
  6. Perform the steps the macro is intended to execute. For example, if the macro is to type out the user’s name, address and phone number, type the name, address and phone number while the macro is recording.

Click the "n " on the macro toolbar to stop recording.

How Do I Run Macros?

  1. Click [Tools] on the menu bar and select [Macro]. Select [Macros] on the pop-out menu.
  2. A list of all user created macros will appear. Select the desired macro and click [Run]

How Do I Make a Macro Run Automatically?

  1. Users can define keystrokes that will run macros automatically.
  2. When creating a new macro click on [Keyboard] in the [Assign to Box].
  3. Depress the desired keys to assign them to the macro.

If the combination of keys chosen is already assigned to another function, a note will appear saying "Currently Assigned to..." Click [Cancel] and return to step 2. Otherwise select [OK].

How Do I Create an Interactive Macro?

An interactive macro requires input from the user while the macro is running. Follow the steps outlined in section B to record the macro. Use the method described in C or D to run it.

III. Working with Columns

Columns make short paragraphs easier to read. Use this format for newsletters, brochures, or other concise documents.

How Can I Designate Columns?

  1. Click [Format] on the menu bar.
  2. Click [Columns]
  3. Select numbers of columns, their width and spacing.

How Do I Type in a Document with Columns?

Users may enter text into columns by typing normally.

How Can I Convert Something I Already Typed into Columns?

  1. Highlight the previously typed text.
  2. Click [Format] on the menu bar and click [Columns].

Can I Change the Size of My Columns?

  1. Click [View] on the menu bar and select [Page Layout].
  2. Drag the column markers on the horizontal ruler to the desired positions.

NOTE: If a column can’t be widened because an adjacent column is in the way, reduce the width of the adjacent column first.

NOTE: If the column widths are set to "Equal", all of the columns change. If the column widths are set to "Unequal", only the column being adjusting changes. To switch between columns of equal and unequal width and specify exact measurements for column widths and spacing, use the Columns command on the Format menu.

How Can I Use Section Breaks in a Document With Columns?

  1. Click the desired area for a section break.
  2. Click [Insert] on the menu bar.
  3. Click [Break].
  4. Under Section breaks, click the option that describes where new section will begin.


IV. Using Word’s Graphics Tools

What Are the Graphic Tools?

Word 97 provides a new set of drawing and graphics capabilities can easily embellish text and graphics with 3-D effects, shadow effects, textured and transparent fills, and AutoShapes. Office Art has drawing tools and capabilities that can be easily accessed through the Drawing toolbar. To access the Drawing toolbar, right click on any active toolbar, then left click on [Drawing].

How Can I Change the Size/Shape of a Picture?

  1. Select (click once on) a drawing object, sizing handles (black squares) appear at the corners and along the edges of the selection rectangle.
  2. Resize the object by dragging its sizing handles.
  3. To maintain the drawing’s original proportions during the resizing process, hold the [Shift] key while dragging the resize handles.


  1. Select (click once on) the picture to be cropped.
  2. On the Picture toolbar, click [Crop], which is an icon shaped like a "XX".
  3. Position the cropping tool over a sizing handle and drag.


  1. Select the picture to be restored to original size.
  2. Bring up the drawing toolbar and click the rightmost icon.

How Can I Reposition a Picture?

  1. Click [View] on the menu bar and select [Page Layout].
  2. In page layout view, select the frame by moving the pointer over the frame’s border until the pointer becomes a four-headed arrow.
  3. Click and drag the frame to the new position and click once to set it into place.

NOTE: Picture frames are always "anchored" to the nearest paragraph. MSWord will try to fit pictures on the same page as the paragraph they are anchored to.

How Can I change the Way Text Wraps Around Graphics?

  1. Select the Graphic.
  2. On the Picture toolbar, click [Text Wrapping], which is an icon shaped like a yellow diamond set into a white rectangle.
  3. Select an option from the drop down list, which appears after step 2.

How Can I Use Word Art?

  1. Click [Insert] on the menu bar and select [Picture].
  2. Select [Word Art] from the list.
  3. Select the desired style from the WordArt gallery (see figure below).
  4. Type desired text and click [OK].
  5. Reposition and/or resize the Word Art as desired by clicking and dragging on the handles


V. Creating Templates

What is a template?

A template can store text, custom toolbars, macros, shortcut keys, styles, and AutoText entries. Templates are useful for users who will be creating many documents with the same basic structure with only minor changes in content.

How Do I Use Existing MS Word Templates?

MS Word comes with several pre-made templates for documents ranging from resumes to fax cover letters, even WebPages.

  1. Go to the [File] menu and click [New]. A dialogue box similar to the one below will appear.
  2. Select the appropriate tab.

NOTE: Resume templates can be found in the tab labeled "Other" or "Other Documents"

  1. Click on the desired template, then click [OK]

How Would I Modify a Template?

Frequently used templates can be modified to more closely fit the user’s needs.

  1. Select the desired template by following the steps in section B.
  2. Change the text and structure of the template.
  3. Go to [File] on the menu bar and click [Save As].
  4. In the "Save As" dialogue box change the option in the [Save as Type] drop down list to "Document Template".
  5. Click [Save].
  6. Follow the steps in section B to access the new template

How Do I Assign a Template to the Toolbar?

  1. On the [Tools] menu, click [Templates and Add-Ins]
  2. Click [Organizer] and then click the tab for the items to be copied.
  3. To copy items to or from a different template or file, click [Close File] to close the active document and its attached template or to close the Normal template.
  4. Then click [Open File] and open the desired template or file.
  5. Click the items to be copied in either list, and then click Copy.

To select a range of items, hold down [Shift] and click the first and last items. To select nonadjacent items, hold down [CTRL] while clicking each item.

How Do I Attach a Different Template to the Active Document?

Users can change the structure of an active document by attaching a different to that document.

  1. Go to the [Tools] menu and click [Templates and Add-Ins]
  2. A dialogue box labeled "Templates and Add-ins" will appear
  3. Click [Attach] and then select the desired template.
  4. Click [Open]


VI. Sorting

How Do I Sort A List or Table?

  1. Highlight the text or table to be sorted.
  2. Go to [Table] on the menu bar and click [Sort]
  3. A box labeled "Sort Text" or Sort Table" will appear, depending on the selection made in step 1
  4. Options for the sorting process may be changed by clicking on [Options]
  5. Click [OK] in the "Sort…" dialogue box to execute the sort.

How Do I Sort Data I Mail Merge Fields?

Sorting the data in mail merge fields allows users to control the order in which those records are placed in the merge documents. (Before sorting, the mail merge fields must be created.)

  1. Go to the [Tools] menu and click [Mail Merge]
  2. Click [Query Options] in the dialogue box
  3. On the [Sort Records] tab, click at least one data field

Choose desired sort order, then click [OK] to begin the sort.

How Do I Sort a List of Files?

  1. Click [Open] on the [File] menu.
  2. Click Commands and Settings (the top left hand box with a check mark),
  3. Click [Sorting]
  4. Then select the options for the sort


Authors:            Thomas McNamara

                        Edwin Rosario

                        Mayra Granados

Last Revised: Jan. 2000


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